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Olive and autumn produce fair

Comune di Coriano

Events may be subject to change, always contact the organisers before going to the venue.

For those who love autumn, Coriano becomes a town full of smells and carefully selected products. Local olives, extra-virgin olive oil, truffles, mushrooms, wine, honey and its derivatives, pit cheese, natural and macrobiotic products, and fruit, all of which are gifts from the earth during this special time of year. There will also be plants and flowers, wicker crafts, wrought iron, copper, terra cotta, and wooden items, garden tools and even sports equipment.

There will also be many side events: photography shows on Romagna's farming culture, DOC wines, farming equipment on display, demonstrations of ancient Romagna crafts, conventions and debates on oil and tastings of extra-virgin olive oil.

And of course there will be food stands where traditional recipes made with olives will be offered for this occasion. There will also be the chance to taste local Romagna wines.

The area around Coriano is one of the biggest producers of olives and also one of the biggest producers of high quality extra-virgin olive oil. There are four active presses in this area, some of which are antique; other presses can also be found nearby and all of them can be visited.

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